Friday, February 1, 2019

New Year, New Me

New year, another realizations of how we become less or more after before, during and after last year. We compare our old us, to the new version of ourselves. We can pinpoint or notice the changes that happened, from our physical appearances deeper to our inside characteristics.

2018 ended, and before it did, I changed my hairdo. I went to a salon, and made my hair shorter, and I styled it with bangs. I also became tanned. My appearance did change and so my spiritual life. I became more interested in worshiping and glorifying God. I read my bible daily, and it was January 1 when I started reading from the first book, Genesis, and hoping that before this year ends, I'll finish reading my Bible until the last book, revelation. Also, emotionally speaking, i became more understanding. I can now control and handle my emotions better. I became more responsible with my actions and with facing the  consequences of my decisions.  I think before deciding, considering the possible resutls of my choices. I advise better. I communicate more when needed, but speaking less if I will only spit nonsense arguments, in short, I became more matured.

Except for love, change is so constant in this world. We can never stop it from occuring, yet we have choices, it is to becme better, or worse. Either of them, we face the consequences and changes whether we will like the result or not. So we better choose wisely, change for the better, or change for the worse.

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