Sunday, October 21, 2018

Equality for World Peace(UN MONTH)

The thought of peace, love and unity is not new to us as humans, as individuals and as citizens. War to peace, hate to love, division to unity. Peace shines, love wins, unity matters. World peace is imporant.

Every nation has uniqueness and differences. Every country differs in language, in culture, beliefs, colors, but we are all harmonious luke music having a beautiful different beats but tuned as one. As we celebrate the United Nations Month with the theme, "Coming together with those furthest behind to build an inclusive world of universal respect and dignity," may we all learn to value respect, even those who belong to poor country, but consider them as our own brothers and sisters. Let's show equality no matter what the country's state is, still let's all treat each and everyone fair, whether they are working as a domestic helper to your home, treat them as family, if you can't, as a human God made as a sign of respect to their country, not as an animal who caused trouble. Treat everyone well, not being one of the judgmental people, not joining the judgmental society.

  1. We must look-up into each other. Let's all hope for better world by knowing and being aware of equality between or among every citizens, whether from our country or not. We must respect each other, be united as one to keep the world peace, to stop those wars, violence and judgments of the society.

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