Thursday, February 7, 2019


We tend to be familiar with things in our lives that it stay in our system.We don't change those familiarity that we sometimes get stuck unto that. We tend to think that because it is already common in our lives, it should remain. No changes, no changing, but we should, especially those negative things.

Most people just want to stay in their comfort zone, playing safely that they may not fail or commit mistake, but for me, let us step out of the box. I am the change, yes. For I change ugly ways into something that can be constantly getting better. I do not stay in the safe zone, but step out and not minding mistakes to happen, for those will give me thousand lessons that can change me into someone way better than I was before. I become new, with no fears of failing when I start the change.

Do not be afraid. We should start the change, yet careful with the decisions we are going to make. Choose wisely and always choose serenity, the peace that even some things changed, it didn't cause havoc, the chaos that can make everything worse.


  1. Change is yes needed in attaining peace but I noticed that your topic isn't consistent that is why I got confused.


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