Thursday, February 7, 2019


Philippines has many beautiful and iconic cultures. Every region of this island has so much to offer, let it be products, arts, music, festivals and etcetera that are so attractive to see, that even tourists come here to visit and visualize with their own naked eyes the beauty of the Philippines. Region 1 consists four provinces-Pangasinan, Dagupan, Ilocos Norte and our home province, Ilocos Sur. Every year, we celebrate different activities in our province, and one of the most memorable and must-see festivities is the Kannawidan Festival, held every last week of January until First week of February.

The venue of the Kannawidan Festival this year is at Tamag Grounds, Vigan City. This festival has so much to visit. It shows different products from each of the Municipality of Ilocos Sur. Kannawidan is so much wonderful that even the place is far away from some people's home, they give time and effort to look upon this said festivity. The Government of Ilocos Sur invites many popular artists and bands to come and perform. Ilocanos love to see them, but we should know the real essence of the festival, and it is to showcase the beauty and wonder of our culture, We should not forget that we are celebrating because of the masterpiece we are creating, and those artist/bands are just bonus. The real highlight of Kannawidan is to tell the world that we are so much of what and who they think we are, Ilocanos. It is to give pride to the uniqueness of our province, Ilocos Sur. It is to advertise our own products and to show that they are world-class products. This Cultural festival is an art to show that Ilocanos are very dedicated and passionate when it comes to our culture. That we give our hearts, and sacrifice our time and effort for the best of our home.

Kannawidan, part of the traditional festivity of Ilocos Sur, yet remains exciting and wonderful, not because of the visitors but because of the showcased iconic products and cultures, and the Ilocanos, themselves.

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