Sunday, October 21, 2018

Reflection (2nd Grading)

We have gone through difficulties. We had thoughts of giving up because we're all so tired. We were stressed, but still, we had hopes and we rose up.

We already are finished with the half of the school year. As time went by, our understanding and knowledge about our topics are getting broader each new day. We discover new things. And as we are in the proccess of gaining, sometimes, we feel like we are overloading our brains with different things about school. There are those extents that we feel like we will just let failures consume us. But then, we made this failures into motivation for us to reach whatever our goals are. We just beed to be more firm and strong to handle things, even at complicated situations, even at dividing our time wisely so that we can still cope up with whatever lessons we can not understand.

There are really those times of tears shed because of too much stress. To avoid it, let's all relax, breath in, and focus intently but not too much so that our brain cells will still function very well even at stakes of trials and circumstances. Let's all learn to value time management, and value education.

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