Sunday, October 21, 2018

Real Heroes of the Nation(WORLD TEACHERS' DAY)

When we were still children up to now, we tend to watch fairy tales, action movies and superheroes. In the movies, superheroes are admired by the incredible strength they have, the bravery to fight for peace and the heart to save the world. They have superpowers and they have their enemies, and in the end they will succeed and filled with fulfilment. But then, they are only found in fantasies. In reality, our real superheroes are without supernatural powers, supernatural strength but they are always ready to save the world through teaching.

Teachers are the real superheroes. They teach us with love, care and willingness. They gain knowledge from us as we gain knowledge from them. Through them, we are always educates in discipline. They teach us with all their strength for us to have a better future. They teach us which are right and wrong, right and left, colors, numbers, everything we need from basics to complicated. By the end of the day, they will be tired teaching numerous students. But as years go by, when their former student succeeds, they too are successful. There's no other profession if there are no teachers to guide them.

Teachers teach us not only lessons but also the values in life. They are one of the motivation we have. We need to learn how to love them as our parents. We must thank them for every accomplishments we have done. Everyday, thank our teachers. They are truly heroes of the nation, saving our future for a better world.

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