Friday, March 8, 2019

My Dream is My Future

As we grow older, our mind plans for our future, and before we reach our future, we have our dreams, and before our dreams, there are us- the dreamers. Dreamers dream for their dreams to become reality, to be successful with contentment of whatever we have in the future. We all want to reach the stars, we aim high and to able to catch them, we need to strive hard for it. 

Dreams, we all have one, or more. Mine is to have a good life, with my family. But to reach it, I need to be a pupil, a student, a graduate, and to pass my exam for being a Medical Technologist, and to Master my field, and become an Orthopedist. But not as easy that I wrote that path, it will be difficult to reach it, because nothing worthy comes easy. But in able to grab those stars, I will endure everything- pain, problems and reviewing till morning, no sleeping. I will sacrifice a lot, I know that, and it might be difficult to do it, but I will still end up sacrificing. My blood, sweat, and tears will be well paid. I just need to do the right thing.

Dreams won't become reality if you're lazy to do the tasks. If you just give up on this journey, your dreams won't be your future, but if you stand up still, dreamers will become successful. 

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