Friday, March 8, 2019

Reflection. The finale

This is the beginning of the end, and the end is just the beginning. We can't stop the hands of the time to run, but not because our time together is running out, it doesn't mean that it is a good bye. It is still the beginning of our journey to depart and find ourselves and soon, find our way back to each other. Bittersweet moments, cliché, but the perfect word to describe these situation we are in. We are sad to part ways, but we need to learn in accepting even if we still don't want to end this school year.

Life must go on, we must move forward, and look at its brighter side. We can't reach our dreams if we stay here. We must let go, and meet new things, people, teacher and nature. This school year is a one tough year. Discouraging moments crept to us, we cried, we got tired, we wanted to just sleep and rest everything, just leave everything and just fail, but we didn't let those to happen. We motivated ourselves to continue pursuing our dreams, and strike the wall of depression and step in the stairways of success. And relief, sad that it is going to end, but let joyous heart be with us so that we can learn to understand that not all that kept on holding on became successful. We will all come back, we will all be reunited again.

This is the end of our journey as Junior High, but the beginning of being Seniors. We will be more mature. We will all step up, and when the perfect time of God comes, we will be all contented and with a heartily smile, we'll all cry with tears of joy because once again, one of the great family we had has meet again. 

My Dream is My Future

As we grow older, our mind plans for our future, and before we reach our future, we have our dreams, and before our dreams, there are us- the dreamers. Dreamers dream for their dreams to become reality, to be successful with contentment of whatever we have in the future. We all want to reach the stars, we aim high and to able to catch them, we need to strive hard for it. 

Dreams, we all have one, or more. Mine is to have a good life, with my family. But to reach it, I need to be a pupil, a student, a graduate, and to pass my exam for being a Medical Technologist, and to Master my field, and become an Orthopedist. But not as easy that I wrote that path, it will be difficult to reach it, because nothing worthy comes easy. But in able to grab those stars, I will endure everything- pain, problems and reviewing till morning, no sleeping. I will sacrifice a lot, I know that, and it might be difficult to do it, but I will still end up sacrificing. My blood, sweat, and tears will be well paid. I just need to do the right thing.

Dreams won't become reality if you're lazy to do the tasks. If you just give up on this journey, your dreams won't be your future, but if you stand up still, dreamers will become successful. 

Victorious Foundation Day

It was a great day of celebration. No barriers, no distinction of anything greater, but as a sound united as one, all tuned in to have a victorious High School Day.

The day came for us to triumph and to dance in victory because March 2 marked the 117th Ilocos Sur National High School day. It was a week-long preparation for every student. We practiced dances with different genres, and we Grade 10 performed hiphop. At morning, Colors of the CAT I Unit of ISNHS, the ISNHS marching band, and the students wearing their costumes gathered up for parade. Afterwards, at noontime, the guests has arrived, and the CAT officers welcomed and honored our speaker and our very own principal. We all performed with greatness, and the boys and girls or Grade 8 victors over the crown. It was a great day indeed, but I hoped for more days to celebrate.

We all cooperated for the betterment of the activity. We united and together, we celebrated our 117th Foundation Day, and I hope that there will be more the next years that will come. 

Reflection. The finale

This is the beginning of the end, and the end is just the beginning. We can't stop the hands of the time to run, but not because our ti...