Friday, November 23, 2018


Technology is spreading quickly and widely throughout the globe. People would say you were born in the first centuries or you were born just yesterday if you don't know gadgets. They will say you are outdated if you don't know this kind of technologies. Kids, even at a young age know how to access these gadgets. They own one or more of different kinds. They are updated and never run out of news especially those that are running through the internet. These are helpful but nowadays, some are using these wrongly.

Gadgets were made for us to have easier life. We use these to search things easily even without going to the library. But as these kind of technologies broadens, some use these in wrong ways. They use these new-found technology to spread hoax and rumors. They are using these to woo, date or communicate with their partners. Because of these, they are using these to ask the ones they like out. They are forgetting the way on how to get a girl's heart. They are forgetting the old times. But let us start within ourselves to spread the truth. Use yourself to tell everyone especially the youth that old-school, old ways, old fashions are still the best. Spread widely that gadgets is for communication and emergency purposes, not for dating, to woo. Spread that gadgets are made for good purposes.

Use modern technologies wisely. use it for the purpose of good deeds not for spreading lies and bashing artists or anyone on the social medias. Use gadgets right, not for spreading lies.

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