Thursday, December 6, 2018


Indeed, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Almost every home all over the universe are happily celebrating the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. We are celebrating to remember the birth, the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ who came to the world to wash us with His holy blood to save us from our sins.

The birth of Christ is the hope of the world. He was and will forever be the epitome, the archetype of goodness hope, faith and miracles. His death caused many sins to be washed away. His resurrection caused the world to believe that He is truly the Son of God. Every Christmas, the 25th of December, we celebrate with our minds set on the essence and purpose of Christmas; it is to be merry, to celebrate the sacrifice of God and the mightiness of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is the moment to feast for it is the day when Christ the King was born.

The real essence of Christmas should always linger on our hearts and minds. May the spirit of Christmas be with us.


Discrimination is spreading to the horizon of every nation. There are those whose rights are degraded. Some's abilities are being wasted. Some, even though they have the skills for a certain work is jobless because of their disabilities. People of the world is discriminated and discriminating, not respecting equality, and violating their human rights.

Not all can be given the opportunity to work in a certain country yet all can be given equal rights. Not all can apply to work for a person or company yet anyone can build or make their own job. PWDs, especially in public places should be respected treated as how we normal people are treated. Each of us should know the real meaning of equality to obtain the peace so that everyone will be given the respect and their rights will be valued; for us to walk anywhere, freely in public, not hiding the real us. We will spread our arms open wide into reality without being degraded and violated. We should not discriminate for we are all children and creation of thee Lord Almighty.

To live a peaceful and joyful life, we must practice into ourselves the respect towards others with or without disability. Treat every individual right, respecting their human rights.

Sunday, December 2, 2018


Children are the future of the world. There’s no doubt in it. As they grow, they become more influential whether for good or not. As they grow and their knowledge widens, they can lead nations in just a single word or in just a snap. If we want a better future of the world, teach them discipline. Take good care of them but not in the point that you’ll spoil them. Correct them with their wrongdoings and they’ll grow well-disciplined.

From Adam and Eve came generations until the earth was filled with children. Generations multiplied but as children grow, some are growing ill-mannered. They become youths lacking goodness. They influence people and children, showing them what they know is right in their own eyes., leaning unto their own understanding. One of the reasons is because of parents lacking affection, attention and care to their child, resulting them to be rebellious. They are spoiled to the point that they don’t want to be corrected. This children’s appreciation month, may we all show love towards them.  Love that corrects and love that will make them understand the right thing to do. Show them, act that you love them with pure hearts even by giving them little attention and time, not just by words. Make them feel loved, show them their worth. Yes, you may give what the child wants, but make sure you’ll give him/her what he/she needs.

The result of the future lies in the hands of our children. Teach them how to be kind with love into your actions and words. With these, we’ll be reassured that the world is in good hands.

Reflection. The finale

This is the beginning of the end, and the end is just the beginning. We can't stop the hands of the time to run, but not because our ti...